Wednesday, January 21, 2009

School Day

Austin went to school today:Technically, he stood on the front porch of a school. He still thought it was pretty cool though.It was the oldest surviving school in Polk county. Which you can figure out the same way we did, by reading the sign. So I'm not sure why I felt the need to repeat it. Today was one of our typical homeschooling days which means you never know what will happen or where life will take you. We were going to get groceries. I saw what looked like a War reenactment of some kind. I went down a side road to find it. I never did find it. As I was looking I found this instead. We stopped to check it out. We had a great time and learned some neat things.I just remembered that I started to say to Austin when we saw the cabin above, "Can you imagine our family living in a space that small?" I stopped and laughed when I realized that duh....yeah....because we already do.

And just because he thought this bike was awesome, a picture of a cool bike we saw in Lakeland
I also shared an awesome moment with him in the car. He was listening to an audio book and stops it to say to me, "I love this book". Knowing it is one of Nathan's favorite books, I tell him that I think that's very cool that he does enjoy it also.

He stops and emphasizes it by saying, "No, I mean I get really (makes noise like someone who is giddy) inside when I listen to it". I say, " do really, really like it". He says, "It's one of the best movies I've ever seen".


"Oh" LOL "You know how a book is so good it's like a movie you can see in your head?" (I nod)
"That's what this book did inside of me!"

I don't say it out loud, I don't even indicate the slightest embarrassing to a teenage boy emotion, but I cheer very loudly inside. He's been reading for some time. Today I know he's become a reader.