Saturday, July 18, 2009

One Year Anniversary!

Today is our one year anniversary. I'm wanting to write a very sentimental post to share all that this last year has given to us both as individuals and as a family but there really is no way to share all of the different dimensions in words without spending hours and thousands of words. It's been incredible. We will never forget it. We are better people for it.


Becky said...

Happy Anniversary!! We aren't even 6 months in yet and I can already relate to your sentiments. It's so much better than I ever thought. Congratulations on your someday NOW!

debs said...
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debs said...
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debs said...

Congrats on a year! We have lived in the bus 6 months at a time, 3x, so a year and a half, all together. This time, we are also shooting for at least a year solid. We'll see! You are an inspiration!

unschoolermom said...

That is awesome! Congratulations!


laurie l. goodman said...

Happy Day!!!
You are dripping blissfulllneesss!

debs said...

oops I didn't mean to post so many times- how obnoxious! I didn't think it was working so I kept trying. I'll try to delete some of them!

Show Us The World said...

No problem, I've done the same thing before. I was just peeking at your blog and it looks like you are having all kinds of fun!