Saturday, March 20, 2010

Back to Wauchula FL

Yesterday we headed back to our favorite winter home, Peace River.  We've discovered that we get cranky when we stay too long at the Orlando TT.  It is a great park and we have only had one and a half bad encounters it's not that it is the park's fault.  We just like Peace River better and do better to stay here for long periods.

We get here and we just go "ahhhhhhhhh" and feel our shoulders relax.  It just feels like home here, and given we are heading out in a few short weeks, we could use some home before then.

Living the life in Florida!


Carolee Hollenback said...

Hello, wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog.

Can't wait to get out on the road myself.

Congrats on the article above, too!

laurie l. goodman said...

so where's the peace river pics to go with this entry my darling ????? hint hint nudge nudge
only had one and a half bad encounters-not 1.2? ha ha
i love those kinds of places where you feel so relaxed.
get your 'home' fix.
be well! :)