Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunshine and Boating

We have really enjoyed being able to ride on Daryl and Diana's boat.  Nathan has spent far more time on there than me.  Today, I was able to soak up the sunshine on it.

There is really not much better than hanging out together in this way.  I think Joshua agrees with me.
It's just to peaceful out here on the water. 
Sometimes the simplest things are the most beautiful to me.
Even stopping at the marina is a treat.  We saw some interesting boats.  We met some interesting people.
We were able to chat with a couple that are living Nathan's next dream of living full time on a boat.  They are getting ready to settle down and travel by land for a bit.  They were gracious enough to share some of their experiences with us.  It's always so great to meet people who are living their dream.
And it's always nice to be reminded that we are living ours.
  Living the life on land and sea in Virginia!