Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Our little trip took us to one of the most beautiful sites we've ever laid eyes on: our granddaughter.  My mom will probably tell you that the picture above looks like my baby pictures.  That's not why I think she is beautiful though. She just is!
Makes you want to sniff her newborn baby head, doesn't it?  How is it that even baby slobber is cute?
I'm a little smitten with her.  Ah, who am I kidding...I'm completely head over heels in love with her!!!!!
She is so smart and funny already.  She makes a different face every ten seconds which cracks us up. 
Papa thinks she is the greatest thing too!
My best birthday ever was when I had Aric (happy Birthday number one son) but this ranked right up there.  She's a keeper to be sure!

Living the life as Mimi!


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a wonderful birthday gift from your nice husband. INcredibly thoughtful. I'm so glad you two got to see that adorable baby while she is still tiny. Congratulations all around. She's a doll.