Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Party Time

I've never been a huge fan of work Christmas parties.  It seems when we worked for corporate America, I dreaded having to go and spend an evening with people I barely knew.  Then we owned our own business.  I wasn't a fan of those parties because I felt a lot of pressure being the bosses wife.  This year we all attended the work party here and it was "just right".  Meaning it was low key, casual and we knew almost every single person there already.  Since two of us work here...make that three since Austin was introduced as a new employee too...it almost felt like our happy hours we have with our pickleball friends.

We enjoyed chatting with some people and getting to know them better.  We ate a great meal that Aric and Austin helped prepare and got a few nice gifts.  We left when we wanted to.  Not a bad way to spend an evening at all!

Living the life in Florida!


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Merry Christmas to all of you!!