Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco De Mayo Dinner with Friends

After doing my males and females are different post, I'm now thinking the only fair follow up is Krystal and Faye are different.  Faye is the one I said before is so lovely and classy and is a true Southern Belle.  We went to dinner with them and some others tonight.  Since I was not getting my work done on time, they had to wait for me.  Faye is so sweet, she just waved at me when I finally got outside.  I don't care to admit here what I'd want to do in that situation.  Then we get to the restaraunt and I apologize for yelling like a crazy woman earlier and she says in her sweet drawl, "Oh, I didn't even hear you".  See...pure class.  I really love Faye.  I hope in the next few years I mellow a bit and reclaim my Texan drawl and find some sweetness like she has.

Larry and Dottie were another couple that met up with us.  We met them in Florida at Torrey Oaks.  I don't know them that well yet, but they seem like a neat couple.  Rene and Mira joined us, which made the night even better.  The food was great and we had enough to bring plenty home for lunch for the next few days.  What a great way to celebrate the day!

This cracked me up when we came out of our restaurant.  So how big is our truck?  REALLY big!

Living the life in Virginia!