Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Site With a View

A word to the wise, and in this case we are the newly wise having learned things the hard way, if you see a site that looks great and no one has taken it yet-there is a very good reason. If the site is huge and level and has lots of gravel on it, that doesn't cancel out the fact that it is right next to the very big dumpsters. And you will soon have flies so thick on your RV that it looks black instead of white. Especially if this is located right next to the campground:Yes folks, that is a dairy farm complete with hundreds of cows complete with the stuff that cows produce beyond the milk. This is what I see when I am sitting outside my RV.

Fortunately, this is what is behind our RV, so we just hang out here instead. Oh, and we are no longer right next to the dumpsters. While it is not fun having to move two days after having settled in, it sure does beat having about 50 flies inside my RV. I only have about 10 which is what is to be expected in summer, when living next to the dairy farm.

Living the life in cow country!