Sunday, December 7, 2008

Parker Manatee Aquarium and Snooty

Today we visited Parker Manatee Aquarium in Bradenton. We arrived just in time to see the manatees being fed. This aquarium holds one of the most famous manatees in captivity-Snooty. He was born in captivity and is now 60 years old. He has been on the Captain Kangaroo Show. It was really incredible to watch them and see how big and how gentle they are.


Wendy said...

Awww, Captain Kangaroo. What fond memories, and Mr. Green Jeans? Was that his name?

Anonymous said...

Wow! looks like quite an experience.

unschoolermom said...

Very cool! That would be a fantastic experience!


jaci said...

You do know that those who would debunk mythology believe that manatees were what sailors saw when they recorded they saw "mermaids"? I never quite understood that logic, especially since manatees are New World creatures and Mermaids are old mythology, but, hey... I am not a scientist.

And the manatees are still very cool. :)

Show Us The World said...

Jaci-I have heard that theory before. And after seeing them up close and personal, I am at a loss how that could be. LOL They look more like elephants to me than anything so hard to imagine where a Mermaid would come into play.

I agree though, they are still very cool.